The Two-handed massive might known as Karok has finally been given a release date of December 14th for Korean Mabinogi Heroes (link for Karok Video Goodness and Korean Website).
Picture courtesy of Art of Manliness. What I see as the Inspiration behind Karok. |
The 4th of 5 planned characters, Karok wields a massive pillar which he can willingly fling at enemies, following up with a flurry of heavy handed fists. With face smashing manliness and bro-hugs abound, Karok is meant to be on the front lines, in the enemy's face. Did I forget to mention that he can directly parry the attacks of boss monsters? Gnoll Chieftain hammer? Karok grabs hold and gives Gnoll Chieftain a swift headbutt to the face. Giant Polar bear claw? Karok gets under that claw and also gives said Polar Bear a swift headbutt to the face.
As a Fiona, I can't help but feel like I might be getting replaced by the hulking mass of beautiful masculinity. I mean. Look at this cute classes picture from the Korean site. Who looks more like a tank? Karok or Fiona?
In the end though, I doubt Karok's tantalizing manliness will tempt me away from my Hammonia. Plus, its not like Nexon NA has announced anything on releasing Karok in the next big Vindictus content patch coming December. In all honesty, I'd rather have a Paladin Fiona and PvP first but maybe my dreams of a female Kai archer will be realized. C'mon guys... you know you'd want one.
BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON DANCING!?!? time to remake character