Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Vindictus' Karok Finally Makes an Appearance

The Two-handed massive might known as Karok has finally been given a release date of December 14th for Korean Mabinogi Heroes (link for Karok Video Goodness and Korean Website).

Picture courtesy of Art of Manliness.  What I see as the Inspiration behind Karok.

The 4th of 5 planned characters, Karok wields a massive pillar which he can willingly fling at enemies, following up with a flurry of heavy handed fists. With face smashing manliness and bro-hugs abound, Karok is meant to be on the front lines, in the enemy's face. Did I forget to mention that he can directly parry the attacks of boss monsters? Gnoll Chieftain hammer? Karok grabs hold and gives Gnoll Chieftain a swift headbutt to the face. Giant Polar bear claw? Karok gets under that claw and also gives said Polar Bear a swift headbutt to the face.

As a Fiona, I can't help but feel like I might be getting replaced by the hulking mass of beautiful masculinity.  I mean.  Look at this cute classes picture from the Korean site.  Who looks more like a tank?  Karok or Fiona?

In the end though, I doubt Karok's tantalizing manliness will tempt me away from my Hammonia.  Plus, its not like Nexon NA has announced anything on releasing Karok in the next big Vindictus content patch coming December.  In all honesty, I'd rather have a Paladin Fiona and PvP first but maybe my dreams of a female Kai archer will be realized.  C'mon guys... you know you'd want one.

Friday, November 5, 2010

An Introduction to Neotokyo and the OST

Neotokyo Main Site 

Neotokyo in my mind stands as the greatest first person shooter I have ever experienced.  Even against the massive Halo's and Call of Duty's, the Battlefield's and Counter-Strike's, Neotokyo requires something out of a player that makes it truly rewarding to play and experience.  But let me step back for a second.  Neotokyo is simply a half-life 2 mod.  Yet, under the devoted care of a fantastically talented dev team inspired by the works of Shirow Masamune (Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed), Neotokyo is a highly sci-fi flavored FPS that bleeds teamwork and tactics.  Far from a simple mod, Neotokyo surpasses others in its distinct level of style, detail, and teamwork.  Taking a balance of three classes and a majority of corresponding weapons and class abilities, the Jinrai and NSF squads go toe to toe, ambushing and flanking until one side is eliminated or the "ghost" is captured.

While it is true that very few people still play Neotokyo, by joining the small community of players that remain, you quickly begin to recognize faces that are usually quick to teach a new player once asked.  Many people leave Neotokyo simply because they can't handle the difficulty or because they give up too soon, but it is truly a gem that many people pass by.

Neotokyo HQ Steam Group

This is a recent video made by a member of the community that was posted on the Neotokyo Main Page after almost a year of inactivity, highlighting some of the level design that has gone into Neotokyo re-made in Garry's Mod. Despite how quiet the devs might seem, it has been confirmed that they are still working on the game.

Bellow are CD's One and Two of Neotokyo's OST composed by Ed Harrison, uploaded by flatcher.  Although most of the music never made it into the game, I think the music still wonderfully captures Neotokyo's distinct style and flavor.

 CD 1

CD 2

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Getting an Evie Rez

So in case you don't know the reference... Evie is the spell caster character in the recently released FTPMMO Vindictus (Vindictus Main Site) which I've been a bit addicted to lately.  Basically, now that I think I have a little more time on my hands hopefully I'll actually be able to get into the groove of blogging consistently.  We'll see.

Edit: other pages besides this fixed more or less... added a links list so I can pro-stalk myself since one but Travie comes on here anyway.

Edit 2: Added a Neotokyo page... I'll probably add pages of communities im pretty active in and whatnot... otherwise they'll just be regular posts...

However, the Neotokyo page does have some Neotokyo OST music, which ive just fallen in love with ever since i heard it...

bleh its 6am T_T sleepy time... maybe moar later.